Site ID

V7 - Harcourt North


Harcourt North, Victoria

Australian Soil Classification

Yellow Chromosol

General Landscape Description

Mapping Unit: Sodosol


Apple Orchard


Soil Management

This soil profile holds surprisingly little readily available soil water at just 24 mm, of which 14 mm is held in the A1 horizon. The B horizons provide little readily available water for tree growth. However, this soil is fairly ‘drought proof’ in that the soil holds 71 mm tightly held soil moisture. Irrigation will need to be applied frequently in small amounts, preferably guided by a quality soil moisture probe system. In relation to irrigation, the refill point for the A1 horizon is between 23% (50 kPa) to 21 % (100 kPa) soil moisture. 

Overall this soil has surprisingly little capacity to store and retain nutrients as indicated by the low CEC in both the topsoil and subsoil. Nutrients need to be applied regularly in small amounts. The structural condition of the topsoil is quite good, having good drainable porosity and thus aeration status and high infiltration rates. The B21 layer is highly compacted, leach of nutrients, with only moderate drainable porosity. In winter it is expected that perched water tables and poor conditions for root growth will develop in the B21 horizon. Given their low ESP (sodium ratio) thee soils should be suitable for mole or subsurface drainage.


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