
Sodosols are characterised by displaying strong texture contrast between the lighter textured surface horizons and the clayey subsoil horizons (i.e. duplex in nature). The subsoil is characteristically high in exchangeable sodium - i.e. sodic. The degree of sodicity varies - but generally these soils become increasingly sodic with depth down the soil profile. Sodic soils often require careful management to address restrictions to root and water movement, and waterlogging is a major management issue. They are also prone to land degradation - particularly gully and tunnel erosion - if land use and/or land management is not suitable.

The colour suborder refers to the dominant colour class in the major part of the upper 0.2 m of the B2 horizon (or the major part of the entire B2 horizon if it is less than 0.2 m thick) e.g. brown.

Brown Sodosol

SA7 - Nairne

Nairne, SA