Site ID

V3 - Gruyere 1


Gruyere, Yarra Valley, Victoria

Australian Soil Classification

Grey Hydrosol

General Landscape Description

Mapping Unit: Yag, CHAB, Chromosol


Apple Orchard, Highly Mounded


Soil Management

This soil holds more available soil water than any other site investigated in this study. Assuming waterlogging is not limiting root function, this soil profile has 266 mm plant available soil water and 80 mm readily available soil moisture. Consequently, irrigation management at this site should be straightforward. In relation to irrigation, the refill point for the A1 horizon is between 36 % (50 kPa) to 31 % (100 kPa) soil moisture.

This is obviously a wet soil, in which growth and production are likely to be limited by salinity, sodicity and seasonal waterlogging. It is recommended that subsoil drains be installed to intercept the groundwater and reduce the incidence and severity of waterlogging. However, drainage needs to be conducted with a degree of caution. Whilst the subsoils are both saline and sodic they will not disperse, however once drained potential exists that the salt will be leached from the soil resulting in clay dispersion and drain blockage. Data indicates the surface soil to be moderately compact with lower than expected soil carbon. Management should focus on increasing residue retention and addition of carbon. Potassium fertilizer management should be reviewed with your agronomist.


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