Site ID

V2 - Launching Place


Launching Place, Yarra Valley, Victoria

Australian Soil Classification

Yellow Dermosol

General Landscape Description



Apple Orchard, Low Mounded


Soil Management

Overall the soil holds only holds 51 readily available water for rapid productive growth. However, this soil has substantial ‘reservoir’ capacity of 116 mm tightly held water, and thus is not likely to drought easily. In relation to irrigation, the refill point for the A1 horizon is between 32% (50 kPa) to 26 % (100 kPa) soil moisture.

This soil has surprisingly little capacity to store and retain nutrients as indicated by the low CEC and organic carbon, in both the topsoil or subsoils. Nutrients need to be applied regularly in small amounts. In addition the low organic carbon content indicates a need to provide more residues and organic inputs to increase soil carbon levels. The structural condition of the topsoil is somewhat in contrast to it chemical condition, in that the soil has very high infiltration rates and overall good structure.

The structure of the B horizons are in contrast to the A horizon. The B horizons have high density and low hydraulic conductivity, limited aeration capacity (drainable capacity) and are highly likely to become overwet or waterlogged in winter, as indicated by the pale yellow colours and presence of mottling throughout the B horizons. The B horizons are not good environments for root growth or function (may be good for limiting vigour). Given the low ESP consideration should be given to subsoil, although drain function may be limited by the low subsoil hydraulic conductivity.


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