Site ID

SA9 - Forest Range


Forest Range, Adelaide Hills, South Australia

Australian Soil Classification

Brown Dermosol

General Landscape Description

Hill midslope (11 degrees; Aspect: North)


Irrigated apples; bare ground in row


Soil Management

The low hydraulic conductivity of the surface soil is unexpected given the high proportion of drainable macropores, moderate level of soil carbon and otherwise good structure. Management should consider options for increasing levels of soil carbon through greater application of plant residues, including grass clippings, manures and mulches, or other plant residues.  Given the high clay content in the subsoil, this soil profile holds a reasonable amount of readily available soil moisture, and as such should be relatively easy to irrigate. The B horizons contain a high proportion of unavailable soil moisture, as such the moisture within the B horizons is only likely to be used by the tree when stressed. In relation to irrigation, the refill point for the A1 horizon is between 32% (50 kPa) to 29 % (100 kPa) soil moisture. The cation exchange capacity of the soil is moderate, which suggests this soil has moderate capacity to store and retain nutrients, such that fertilizer management should be relatively straightforward. Subsoils were noted to be sodic which may limit options for subsurface drainage.


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