Site ID

SA2 - Lenswood 2


Lenswood, Adelaide Hills, South Australia

Australian Soil Classification

Brown Dermosol

General Landscape Description

Mid hillslope (2 degrees; aspect: east)


Irrigated apples


Soil Management

This soil has very good soil structure and water retention properties. Management is encouraged to continue current management practices that promote residue return and carbon cycling in the topsoil. The only apparent limitation with this soil is the moderate ability to retain and release applied nutrients, in which any nutrients which are leached below the A1 horizon are likely to continue to be leached through the remainder of the soil profile. This soil will require careful fertigation. The soil shows minimal evidence of waterlogging or poor aeration status, which is good as the sodic nature of the clay B21 horizon suggests that it is not suitable for installation of subsurface drains or mole drainage. In relation to irrigation, the refill point for the A1 horizon is between 39% (50 kPa) to 32 % (100 kPa) soil moisture.


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