Site ID

NSW9 - Batlow 4


Batlow, New South Wales

Australian Soil Classification

Red Dermosol


Basalt Hill Toe Slope


Apple Orchard


Soil Management

For a red ferrosol, the topsoil (A1 horizon) is compact and poorly soil structured as evidenced by high bulk density, very low surface hydraulic conductivity, and low drainable porosity. This is likely to result in runoff during irrigation and rainfall, and slow drainage after irrigation and drainage leading to development of low oxygen conditions for root functions. Despite evidence of compaction and poor structure in the topsoil the soil profile holds a reasonable amount of readily available moisture at 45 mm, and a substantial plant available water content at 125 mm. This indicates that irrigation should be easily able to maintain moisture and avoiding moisture stress. In relation to irrigation, the refill point for the A1 horizon is between 31 % (50 kPa) to 27 % (100 kPa) soil moisture. The nutrient retention capacity of the soil is lower than expected, small and often application of fertilizer will be required to minimise any risk of nutrients leaching below the root zone. Management should consider approaches to improve the carbon levels and structure of the A1 horizon including; greater application of plant residues to the tree mound, use of living mulches, grass clippings, mulches and composts.


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