Site ID

NSW8 - Batlow 3


Batlow, New South Wales

Australian Soil Classification

Red Dermosol




Apple Orchard


Soil Management

The topsoil (A1 horizon) is slightly compact having higher bulk density than otherwise desired. The amount of plant available soil moisture and readily available soil water are likely to be limited to aluminium toxicity in the B21 and B22 horizon as only few very fine to fine roots in the B21 horizon and no observed roots in the B22 horizon. Consequently, the working plant available soil moisture is likely to be in the order of 100 mm and 38 mm readily available soil moisture. This indicates that irrigation should be moderately easily able to maintain moisture and avoiding moisture stress. In relation to irrigation, the refill point for the A1 horizon is between 28% (50 kPa) to 25 % (100 kPa) soil moisture. The nutrient retention capacity of the soil is lower than expected, small and often application of fertilizer will be required to minimise risk of nutrients leaching below the root zone. Soil carbon levels were lower than anticipated, management should consider approaches to improve the carbon levels and structure of the A1 horizon including; greater application of plant residues to the tree mound, use of living mulches, grass clippings, mulches and composts.


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